
The study examined the relationship between procurement process compliance and procurement performance of public procuring entities in Rwanda. The objective of the study was to assess the effects of procurement planning on procurement performance; to assess the effects of procurement sourcing and contract management on procurement performance and to assess the effects of procurement transparency on procurement performance of public procuring entities in Rwanda.

A descriptive survey research design was adopted using quantitative methods and used closed ended questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The study targeted 94 respondents from   five districts located in the northern province of Rwanda. Purposive and stratified sampling techniques were used to select respondents. Data was then analyzed on quantitative basis using Pearson’s correlation, multiple linear regression analysis and descriptive statistics.

The regression model used was LogY= βo + β1LogXit1 + β2LogXiit2 + β3LogXiiit3 + ɛt and multiple R (correlation) value obtained was 0.995 (99.5%). The model summary depicted from the regression analysis with multiple R (correlation) value of 0.995 (99.5%) indicated a highly positive relationship between the dependent and independent variables and, the overall contribution of the independent variables: procurement plan (P1), Procurement process (P2), and procurement transparency (or P3) to the procurement performance (or P4) which accounted for 99.04% (R2 = 0.9904) of the variation in the procurement performance.

The research concluded that procurement planning, procurement process compliance and procurement ethics in public procurement had a great significance on procurement performance which led to confirm the relationship between capacity building in procurement and regulatory compliance of government Procurement entities in Rwanda. As a recommendation, procuring entities should continue to focus more on ensuring compliance to procurement regulations in public procurement to ensure a sustainable procurement performance.

Keywords: Procurement planning, procurement process, procurement ethics and procurement performance.